Job Description
1. Development of communication contents
– Propose the media content/information to be delivered by CEO
– Proofread the content related to RGB activities to be communicated
– Create, edit and publish articles on RGB activities on the website and other media channels
– Create, edit and disseminate briefs on particular events/situations
– Publish brochures/pamphlets for particular information about RGB
– Create, edit and share content/photos on tweeter, YouTube, Facebook, Flickr and other social media outlets
– Advice on RGB communication strategies and regularly review the strategies
– Advise the management on the best mediums to disseminate RGB information/content
2. Information and Communication needs assessment
– Regularly assess media messages/information posted about RGB through social media and advise on proper action to take where necessary
– Carry out media analysis to identify gaps to be addressed
3. Manage RGB online through traditional media (TV, Radio, Print)
– Produce radio and TV spots and programs
– Produce/publish articles, feature stories in print media
4. Run a print and online magazine
– Produce a print and electronic versions of the magazine of the institution
5. Manage RGB’s visibility in international media
– Help publish articles and reports that profile RGB in international print media
– Create, edit and publish/disseminate press releases
– Organize/convene press conferences for particular events
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Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Communication
3 Years of relevant experience
Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism
3 Years of relevant experience
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations
3 Years of relevant experience
Bachelor’s Degree in Media
3 Years of relevant experience
Master’s Degree in Public Relations
1 Year of relevant experience
Master’s Degree in Journalism
1 Year of relevant experience
Master’s Degree in Communication
1 Year of relevant experience
Masters Degree in Media
1 Year of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyaranda English and or French knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage
Ability to develop and implement communications initiatives using appropriate tools and channels
Research and critical thinking skills
Ability to convey ideas clearly and concisely
Verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills
Creative thinking skills and solution-oriented attitude
Knowledge of online communication tools with special emphasis in audio-visual production and dissemination
Report writing and presentation skills
Ability to understand and apply fundamental concepts and principles related to investigating facts, gathering and packaging of information for effective delivery to audiences
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